
Here comes the Man in Black

This place is death

This place is death

Greetings fellow Losties. Rumors that I was captured by the Smoke Monster have been overstated, although that would have been a much cooler story than me working 16 hour days. I’ve returned just in time to do a mad recap of the last few episodes and to run a few theories by you before tonight’s widely anticipated episode. Just a warning, if you’ve been hiding under whatever rock Ben & Richard Alpert are under and don’t want to know who tonight’s episode is about please read no further. As always, I never post spoilers and am only going by last week’s previews..

I have that same feeling I had before the Richard Alpert episode only there is even MORE anticipation…a Smoke Monster centric episode! And if we’re really lucky it’ll be a Smokey & Jacob centric episode. Somewhere around the age of 12, I am sad to say, I stopped feeling that Christmas zeal that kept me from sleeping on xmas eve (Dear Santa bring me a Super Nintendo). Well that feeling is back in spades. Somehow I was able to get a few hours of sleep last night, however, I don’t know how I’ll get through work today (is it 9pm yet?) Ok now what I’ve missed…

I won’t even try to cover the last 3 episodes in a single blog considering we had 3 main deaths and a Desmond episode. First the deaths. I have criticized this show as being afraid to kill any of the 5-6 main characters and I stubbornly stand behind that remark. As devastated as I was to see Jin & Sun die, (there may not be crying in baseball but it should be allowed in LOST) there’s still a chance they’ll live happily ever after. If Timeline X turns out to be the real timeline then they will be alive. I understand the writers can’t reveal what’s going on with Timeline X yet but the alternate timeline does take a little away from the tragedy of our favorite characters’ deaths.

As far as the deaths go, for me it ranks second to Charlie’s death in terms of most heart-wrenching. Charlie’s death was built up too long and was in the service of self-sacrifice so it felt a bit “grander”. On the other hand, as some of my LOST friends will note, I didn’t reply to text messages or answer phone calls for at least 30 minutes after the episode ended. I’m revealing to them for the first time that I was hiding behind the excuse of “I’m watching it on TIVO delay and I’ll get back to you when I’m finished”. While this was perfectly true, I still took much longer than needed to get back to them. After grieving for Jin once, I found the second time unbearable. Their daughter is an orphan and will never meet her father. Why didn’t Sun demand Jin save himself for their daughter?Damn you Jacob and your stupid island!

Last thought on the deaths, are we going to miss Sayid? After being character-assassinated for almost the entire season, he snapped out of his “no feelings” trance to spare Desmond and try to save the Losties on the sub. This brings up more questions on what it means to become infected by the Smoke Monster. I really hope they at least clear that matter up this week. It also speaks to my biggest grip against season 6: stop making my favorite characters lame!

Ok, I think I bitched enough, especially since the past few episodes have been awesome. I loved the Hurley and Libby re-kindlement, loved the Desmond episode and I love Desmond playing the role of Jacob in Timeline X. Let me hit you with some of my thoughts from the last few episodes:

  • FINALLY Timeline X has become interesting and relevant!
  • Eloise told Desmond that Timeline X is a reality where everyone gets what they want. How is she able to see The Matrix? Is it real? Do Smokey & Jacob know about it? Sayid confirmed that Smokey promised to bring back Nadia. Was Smoking manipulating Sayid or was he talking about Timeline X?
  • Add Desmond to my list of people I believe have been J-Touched. I can’t believe I missed the fact that he’s immune to Electromagnetic Energy. While we’re at it, Eloise was probably J-Touched too
  • Why didn’t Smokey kill Desmond to being with? Why throw him down a well? I have a theory coming up on why Desmond is fatal to Smokey
  • I’ll take last week’s episode as confirmation that Smokey needs all the candidates to die before he can leave the island. People have asked how he knew that some of the candidates survived and my theory is because I think he would know when he became free. If nothing else, he will likely be able to change his appearance back the form back that “Jacob stole from him”
  • So whispers are dead people trapped on the island. I’ve had a tough time sorting out when a dead person was a Smokey-impersonation and when it was just a dead person. In the end I I decided that Hurley is the only one that sees real dead people, because of his power, and the rest were probably Smokey.
  • How the hell is Widmore’s island intel so good?? How did he know about Desmond’s EM ability and the 100 other things he seems knows. Someone is communicating with him and I think it’s Jacob
  • I think Kate was removed as a candidate because she is a mom now. She would never have put the island before Aaron. My theory falls apart when you ask about Kwon but technically Jin never met his daughter

Before I finish this blog, I need to get my Desmond theory on the record. I think that Smokey is Electromagnetism-incarnate when he is the black smoke thing and thus cannot hurt Desmond in that form. I also believe Desmond is the only person that can kill Smokey. My backup theory is that the pockets of energy on the island give Smokey his power and Desmond will either have to use those pockets to kill Smokey or destroy the pockets to kill Smokey. Either way, Dez is gonna do in Smokey.

Finally, I just want to say something about Jacob. Since the Richard Alpert episode I’ve hated Jacob. If Jacob is containing Smokey on the island in order to save humanity, then Jacob is a huge asshole. Follow me here. If manipulating a human into killing Jacob is the only loop-hole to free Smokey, then why does Jacob take that risk of bringing people to the island? He told Richard it was because he wants to prove to Smokey that people can be good. If that’s the real reason than Jacob is even worse than Smokey because he’s risking the destruction of humanity just to prove a stupid point. Dear Jacob, stop bringing people to the island, everyone is happier in Timeline X without you and your stupid island, Love Finally Lost. P.S. you suck. All that said, it does not explain: “It only ends once, the rest is just progress”.

Next up on Finally Lost, we’ll discuss the big episode and talk a little about all these LOST Finale parties going on. Any guesses on who I’ll be dressing up as??

1 Response to “Here comes the Man in Black”

  1. 1 Dustin
    May 12, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    Dressing up as Desmond would be a bit too on the nose. I suggest that you dress up as Rose.

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I have always had a difficult time waiting to find out the ending of my favorite movies, TV shows & books. My resume of obsession includes watching Season 1 of 24 in 3 days, watching Season 2 of 24 in 18 hours and reading each Harry Potter book in one sitting. Knowing that I would love and become obsessed with Lost, I decided to wait before the last season to begin watching it.

This blog will follow me as I watch 5 seasons (103 episodes) of Lost before the final season begins. Relive the experience through me and feel free to mock my terrible theories. Please do not post any spoilers!

Feel free to email me at bigggs@bigwheelbikergang.com

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