
Loosen up my buttons baby

That's exactly what the Pussycat Dolls meant

That's exactly what the Pussycat Dolls had in mind

Kudos again to the writers for the title “The Package”. In addition to being everyone’s favorite euphemism for men’s “junk”, it kept up with the trend of having meanings in both Timeline Prime and Timeline X. Like a lot of you I was pretty bored by “The Package” which is disappointing because I am usually a fan of Sun/Jin-centric episodes. This episode perfectly captured my 2 biggest problems with this season: 1) for the most part I don’t care about Timeline X and 2) cramming the entire island mythology in the last 17 episodes really takes away from the great character developed stories we are use to.

Is it LOST-blaspheme to say I am really bored with Timeline X?? Well dude, I don’t know where it’s going so how can I get invested in it? Is Timeline X really just a season-long epilogue explaining what happens to the characters after they change time again at the end of Season 6? Is it really a first go around and something happens/happened to make Timeline Prime the “truth timeline”? Who knows and until I understand I really can’t get too invested into whether or not Jin and a shopping-obsessed/more obedient Sun get married despite Daddy Sun’s disapproval. At the end of the day, I don’t know which Timeline is “truth”, so I don’t know which one to be invested in. And before you comment on it, I will not accept that both timelines will be “truth” because that really hurts my head.

And yes it’s true, I’m complaining about too many answers. My problem isn’t so much with all the answers we are getting, but rather the pace in which we are getting them. There is something intrinsically wrong about cramming all of the answers into season 6. Did we really have to wait until the last episode of season 5 to learn that everything happening on the island is because of a battle between good and evil? And doesn’t this battle take away from the small day to day character battles we’ve been so invested in for so long? Widmore tells Jin that it doesn’t matter if he reunites with Sun because if Smokey gets off the island Armageddon is going to occur. Boy that really takes the wind from my “will Hurley will every find out that Libby was in the institution with him” sails. How can I root for a Jin-Sun reunion when I’m worried about Armageddon?  Everything takes a back seat to Armageddon…except for of course Penny and Desmond ending up together (more on that later).

Now it’s time for my weekly paragraph on why Jacob sucks and how his stupid J-touching ruins everyone’s lives. Are Jin and Sun better off in Timeline X or Timeline Prime? That’s a really tough question because neither timeline is really great to them. In Timeline Prime, I would argue they are both better people. Jin is a better person, they have a daughter sorta-together, and Sun has neutralized the threat her dad poses via her Oceanic fortune. On the other hand, they’ve been apart for 3 years, Jin’s never seen his daughter and they may be stuck on the island which would prevent them from being with their daughter. Side note, Widmore showing Jin pictures of his daughter for the first time was this season’s most touching scene to date. Tear. Now back in Timeline X, Jin is still sucky pre-island Jin, Sun doesn’t appear to be as capable of a person and Sun’s dad just had Jin deliver his own bounty pay to contract killers. P.S. How cold it is that he sent Kreamy a watch too?? I’d like to pay you $25,000 to kill the guy that’s nailin my daughter and oh, here’s a watch for your troubles. I think it’s time to award Jacob his 2nd victory, congratulations, it a tight race but you’ve made life better for TWO Losties through your J-touch powers. Note: if Jin and Sun aren’t reunited with their daughter, I’ll have to re-award this to Timeline X, assuming Sun doesn’t die from her gunshot wound.

Last point before the quick hits, it IS interesting that Smokey’s release could cause Armageddon. It would also vindicate everything Jacob’s been doing and would just make everything they’ve gone through an acceptable casualty of war. I would, however, argue against Jacob’s tactics. If Jacob keeps Smokey locked down, then why bring people to the island and risk having Smokey manipulate them into killing Jacob? I think it’s because Jacob is bored and wants to shove humanity’s goodness in Smokey’s ‘er smoke face. That makes hubris Jacob’s weakness.

And now the quick-hits:

  • Jin and Sun not married?? Jacob really dangles the strings here but the more interesting question is, how is Jin not sterile in this timeline (assuming Sun’s baby is Jin’s)?? Maybe the J-touch actually made Jin sterile because a baby would have prevented them both from getting on that plane. Sun would not have taken the trip with a baby in tow and probably wouldn’t have learned English if she had a baby with Jin
  • Jack is SO on board with Jacob now and there’s NO way Kate is going to convince him to leave the island. Why do you find it so easy!!??!!
  • It was interesting that Jin was being held in the same room Carl was held in once upon a time (Rm 23). Does that annoying sound keep Smokey out? During my re-watch of season 3 I noticed that the screen says God loves Jacob
  • I wonder what Widmore and Sun worked out during their off-island meeting. In light of that meeting, his holding Jin seems more than a coincidence, unless you buy that Tina Fey REALLY needs to know about those pockets of energy
  • Speaking of those pockets, are we finally going to find out what they do? Do they give Jacob his power? Do they give Smokey his power? Do they keep Smokey at bay? Where did they come from?
  • Why didn’t Widmore’s crew just kill all of Smokey’s followers? That would have been an easy way to “win the war”
  • Sun can’t speak English?? Really?? Laaame
  • Sun has nice boobs!
  • And finally…I got really scared when Widmore talked to Jin about understanding the fact he was kept from his daughter. More than any other moment, that’s when I knew that the damn the package was Desmond. I kept saying PLEASE don’t let the package be Desmond. I’m willing to sacrifice the return of one of my favorite characters, just so he can live happily with Penny! I hate Widmore, and wonder where my girl Penny is 😦

Well, lots of thought and theories this week, let me know what you think. In a late breaking theory someone told me that all the Timeline X storylines are converging on all of the Losties going to a hospital. That might be worth exploring…

1 Response to “Loosen up my buttons baby”

  1. 1 Dukester
    April 6, 2010 at 11:46 am

    Absolutely right on target. The question about why can’t Widmore’s team just wipe out Smokey’s follower’s is excellent. Good post!

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I have always had a difficult time waiting to find out the ending of my favorite movies, TV shows & books. My resume of obsession includes watching Season 1 of 24 in 3 days, watching Season 2 of 24 in 18 hours and reading each Harry Potter book in one sitting. Knowing that I would love and become obsessed with Lost, I decided to wait before the last season to begin watching it.

This blog will follow me as I watch 5 seasons (103 episodes) of Lost before the final season begins. Relive the experience through me and feel free to mock my terrible theories. Please do not post any spoilers!

Feel free to email me at bigggs@bigwheelbikergang.com

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